How Logbook Fraud May Impact Your Boca Raton Truck Accident Case

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The size, weight, and speed of commercial trucks make them especially deadly in the event of an accident. For that reason, among others, a complex set of federal regulations govern truck driving. Put forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), these regulations cover both truck drivers and their employers. Among those rules is the requirement of a logbook to document a driver’s activity.

After a Florida large truck accident, logbooks are often scrutinized to find evidence of negligence. Little wonder that truck drivers and their employers sometimes falsify records to hide such evidence. Have you been in a truck accident? It’s time to call the trusted Boca Raton truck accident lawyers of Steinberg Law.

Why Are Logbooks Required?

Truck drivers cover many miles to transport goods, therefore spending significant time on the road. The size and weight of trucks, combined with other factors like speed, make them dangerous vehicles. An accident involving a truck could have catastrophic, even deadly consequences versus a wreck with a passenger vehicle.

The FMCSA is well aware of this risk. The agency also understands that a driver might be prone to irresponsible behavior while behind the wheel. A prime example is driver exhaustion due to failure to take required breaks.

This is where the logbook plays a vital role in safety. These books exist to discourage and hopefully prevent negligent driving. Truck drivers document their activities in these books, including how long they drive versus resting in the sleeper berth.

Information like this must be recorded in the logbook to comply with FMCSA restrictions on driving hours. As an experienced Boca Raton truck crash lawyer knows, the logbook is an important compliance tool.

Why Does Logbook Fraud Happen?

A violation uncovered in a logbook is a major issue. It could lead to fines to the driver or trucking company, and even revocation of a driver’s license. This creates a strong incentive to manipulate information in the logbook.

Trucking companies frequently pressure their drivers to either falsify logbooks or lose their jobs. This is often done to coerce the driver to violate FMCSA rules by driving more hours. More driving equates to higher profits and higher pay for drivers (since they often get paid by the mile). However, this puts the public at serious risk of a major truck driving accident.

Drivers and companies create “clean” logs to cover up FMCSA violations and thereby conceal evidence of negligence. This amounts to destroying evidence, but how can a Boca Raton truck accident lawyer prove it?

Proving Logbook Fraud

An attorney reviewing the evidence after a Florida truck accident will examine the driver’s logbook. Proving that these records have been falsified is no easy task, but it’s not impossible. Other evidence can be found that either contradicts or corroborates what’s in the book. An example might be receipts of purchases made at truck stops or cell phone data. This sort of evidence can place a driver at a specific location at a specific time.

Your Boca Raton truck accident attorney may also rely on forensic expert witnesses. These individuals can examine the records to find evidence of tampering, whether they are paper or digital. Moreover, a dedicated attorney will work, in general, to find evidence of truck driver negligence. So even if the logbook conceals wrongdoing, other proof can be obtained.

Steinberg Law Stands Up For the Rights of Truck Accident Victims

Truck accidents are serious, and their victims deserve serious legal representation. If you’ve been injured in one of these wrecks, let our team advise you of your legal rights. We’re well-versed in the evidence, such as logbooks, that is relevant to these types of claims. And we’re prepared to build a case establishing the negligence of the responsible party or parties.

Contact us today to schedule your free case review with our Boca Raton truck accident lawyers today.