Can You Recover Damages for PTSD after a Delray Beach Automobile Accident?

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A Delray Beach auto accident can cause a number of injuries, not all of which are physical. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a type of psychological injury. Automobile accident victims have the right to recover damages to deal with any PTSD they develop.

The problem, of course, is that insurance companies typically do not take these injuries seriously. Recovering the compensation you need to manage your PTSD will take tenacious and experienced legal counsel. You can count on the Delray Beach auto accident attorneys of Steinberg Law to fight for you.

PTSD after Car Accidents Is Common

When it comes to car accidents, we tend to think of physical injuries like broken bones and concussions. But some injuries affect the mind and emotions. Car accidents are traumatic and can cause devastating psychological injury to the victim.

This is especially true if someone died in the accident or the circumstances surrounding it were particularly violent. Not to mention, many victims who develop PTSD after an accident already had some unrelated trauma in their lives.

In a book published by the American Psychological Association (APA), their research identifies car accidents as the leading cause of PTSD when it comes to the non-military population.

A Delray Beach auto accident can inflict shock upon a person’s mind, emotions, and psychological wellness. Victims may have nightmares or be afraid to drive for some time after the accident. When these and similar problems don’t go away after a month or so, PTSD may be to blame.

You may want to ask your doctor about a PTSD diagnosis if you have experienced persistent:

  • Stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Nightmares
  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping
  • Intentional avoidance of social situations
  • Unexpected changes in your mood or behavior
  • Increased irritability and anger

Delray Beach Automobile accident

How to Deal with PTSD Following an Accident

You may not see the above symptoms right away. But after a few weeks or months, you could start to notice them. Our Delray Beach auto accident lawyers work to ensure that our clients get the professional help they need. We work closely with their primary care physicians so that all injuries are diagnosed and treated.

But insurance companies do not see your injuries in the same way. Their interest is in quickly resolving cases as cheaply as possible. That means underpaying claims or denying them outright.

The at-fault driver’s insurer is therefore not interested in making sure your PTSD is handled properly. After all, diagnosis and treatment take time and could require a higher payout.

If you are contacted by the responsible driver’s insurance company, you should retain a Delray Beach car accident lawyer. An attorney will demand the maximum available compensation and will take care of negotiations with the insurer. Meanwhile, your focus should be on recovering from your injuries and making sure you follow your doctor’s instructions.

Compensation Related to Your PTSD

Counseling, therapy, medication, and other long-term treatments may be needed to address your PTSD. You could need numerous medical appointments and incur expenses related to them. These are all costs that you should not have to bear if the driver that caused your accident was negligent.

Your Delray Beach personal injury lawyer will likely consult an expert witness who can assist. This is a person with specialized knowledge who is familiar with the medical needs associated with car accidents. The expert witness can explain to the court or the insurance company what treatments will be needed to handle your PTSD.

In turn, your lawyer can assign a reasonable dollar figure to your case (known as monetary damages). The total damages you seek will also cover other losses such as missed time from work.

Talk to Our Delray Beach Auto Accident Lawyers

A Delray Beach auto accident is always traumatic. But some victims will have to contend with PTSD and other long-term complications. If you’ve been in a car crash, you deserve to know your legal rights. It starts with retaining a skilled Delray Beach car accident lawyer.

Let Steinberg Law get to work advising you today. Call us to schedule your confidential consultation.