Reckless Driving Lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens

We understand the stress that comes when charged with reckless driving. Whatever emotions crop up whether fear, sadness, or anger, that is not the time to get emotional, it’s the time to find a quality reckless driving lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens who will fight for your rights. With the experienced and passionate car accident lawyers at Steinberg Law, you can rest easy knowing you have skilled lawyers passionate about advocating for our clients.

What Is Reckless Driving?

Reckless driving is just that. It’s driving that is legally defined as driving or operating a motor vehicle with “wanton disregard” when it comes to the safety of others and is considered a serious offense. In Florida, reckless driving is a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

If you are involved in a potential reckless driving case you need lawyers who will fight aggressively for those rights like those at Steinberg Law of Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Call 877-783-4611 for an initial consultation.

How Does Reckless Driving Increase The Accident Rate?

Reckless driving increases the chances of an accident because it is a form of aggressive driving. It takes away the driver’s ability to react to hazards on the road and makes it more likely that they will cause an accident.

Driving & Texting At The Same Time

One of the most dangerous things a driver can do is to text and drive at the same time. This is considered reckless driving because it requires the driver to take their eyes off the road, which can lead to them not seeing a hazard in time and causing an accident.


Speeding is another form of reckless driving. It is considered reckless because it puts the driver and others on the road at risk. Speeding makes it more difficult to stop in time if there is a hazard on the road and can also make it more difficult to control the vehicle.

Road Rage And Aggressive Driving

Road rage and aggressive driving are both forms of reckless driving. Road rage is defined as an incident in which a driver becomes so angry that they act out in a violent way toward another driver or pedestrian. This can include things like tailgating, cutting off other drivers, and even ramming into another vehicle.

Aggressive driving is similar to road rage but is not always as violent. It can include things like speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and running red lights.

Both road rage and aggressive driving are dangerous and can lead to accidents.

Distracted Driving

In the state of Florida distracted driving is defined as any activity that draws the driver’s attention to something other than the road. This can include obvious things like texting or looking at your phone, but it also includes less intuitive distractions like eating or talking to passengers. Distracted driving can lead to a reckless driving charge, but it’s also harder to prove in court in many instances.


Tailgating is when a driver follows another vehicle too closely. This is dangerous because it gives the driver less time to react if the vehicle in front of them stops suddenly.

It can also lead to rear-end collisions, which can be serious or even fatal.

Ignoring Red Lights And Stop Signs

Ignoring red lights and stop signs is another form of reckless driving. This is dangerous because it can lead to accidents, especially if the driver runs a red light and hits another vehicle.

Drivers who run red lights or stop signs also put pedestrians at risk, as they may not be able to stop in time if someone is crossing the street.

Turning Without Using Turn Signals

Another form of reckless driving is turning without using turn signals. This is dangerous because it can lead to accidents, as other drivers may not be expecting the turn and may not be able to stop in time.

An angry man that may cause an accident and have someone call a Reckless Driving Lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens

What Damages Can Victims Get From A Car Accident In Palm Beach Gardens, FL?

This is hard to say. In Florida, there is no legally defined limit to the damages that a car accident victim can sue for, though there must be supporting reasoning and documentation to support the damages being sought.

Income Losses

If you’ve been in a car accident, you may be able to get compensation for your income losses. This can include things like lost wages, lost earning potential, and even medical expenses.


If you’ve been in a car accident, you may also be able to get compensation for disfigurement and permanent scarring. This can be important for your physical and emotional well-being.

Property Losses

If you’ve been in a car accident, you may also be able to get compensation for your property losses. This can include things like damage to your vehicle, damage to your home, and even damage to your personal belongings.

How Can I Prove The Other Driver Was Behaving Recklessly?

There are a few ways to prove that the other driver was behaving recklessly. These include being able to show that the other driver was:

  •  Speeding
  •  Ran a red light or stop sign
  •  Was tailgating
  •  Weaving in and out of traffic
  •  Talking on the phone or texting
  •  Acting aggressively

Speedometer Calibration

If you believe that the other driver was speeding, you may be able to get their speedometer calibrated. This can help to prove how fast they were going and whether or not they were speeding.

Witness Testimony

If there are witnesses to the accident, their statements can be important in proving that the other driver was behaving recklessly. These witnesses can help to corroborate your story and may be able to provide additional information about what happened.

Highway Camera Or Dash Cam

If there is footage of the accident from a highway camera or dash cam, this can be important in proving that the other driver was behaving recklessly. This footage can help to show how the accident happened and who was at fault.

How Long Do I Have To File A Claim In Palm Beach Gardens, FL?

This depends on the specific type of reckless driving case. If this is property damage or injury case the limit is four years. For criminals, the speedy trial statute requires to be done within 90 days while the SOL is for one year.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

Reckless driving cases are serious no matter which side you’re on. If you’re being accused of reckless driving a judgment against you can lead to massive civil fines and penalties or even criminal charges. If you’ve been the victim, bad representation could result in not getting the full compensation that you deserve.

Case Preparation

You need skilled, experienced, and passionate attorneys to fight for your rights in a reckless driving case. We are here to fight for your rights and defend you during your day in court.

Settlement Negotiation

You don’t want to face off against an experienced bulldog of a lawyer or insurance company when it comes to negotiating a settlement. We’ll be there to fight tenaciously and make sure you are not taken advantage of.

Review Your Claim With Our Reckless Driving Lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens

We take pride in providing outstanding legal representation for our clients. If you find yourself in Palm Beach Gardens, FL dealing with a reckless driving case it’s time to contact Steinberg Law at 877-783-4611.

We will fight for your rights, so contact us today!