Slip and Fall Lawyer in Boca Raton

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If you recently sustained injuries due to an accident that involved slipping or falling in Boca Raton, you may be entitled to compensation. Owners of properties that have ignored hazardous conditions on or around their properties can be held liable and considered negligent. They could be held responsible financially for the costs relating to your injuries. At Steinberg Law, our Boca Raton personal injury attorneys can help you to receive the help and attention that you require after your accident. To find out more, call 877-783-4611 to schedule a FREE consultation with our slip and fall lawyer in Boca Raton today.

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What Are The Most Common Slip And Fall Accidents?

According to data from the CDC, over 800,000 people end up in emergency rooms or hospitals each year for fall-related injuries. Over 3 million older adults in the U.S. visit emergency rooms every year after a slip and fall accident.

In the state of Florida, fatalities that are related to falls for people aged 65 and older are 7.16% higher when compared to the national average. In fact, falls are a leading cause of hospitalization for injuries for Floridians (of all ages).

Boca Raton residents may not be exposed to ice-related or snow slips and falls, but these types of accidents can occur in several ways. Here are some of the common reasons why slip and fall accidents happen:

  • Uneven pavements, whether on sidewalks or in a parking lot
  • Poor lighting
  • Slippery floors in areas such as shopping malls, restaurants, and grocery stores
  • Damaged railings on a staircase
  • Obstacles in walkways
  • Potholes
  • Uneven mats and carpeting
  • Uneven or broken curbs and steps
  • The failure of a store to put out mats for collecting rainwater

The owners of properties are required to take the necessary steps to prevent hazards like the ones listed above. If you were injured in a slip and fall accident on public property or another person’s property, do not hesitate to get advice from a premises liability lawyer about whether you are entitled to compensation.

Fall Accidents In The Workplace

Employees may also be placed at risk when it comes to fall-related injuries, particularly those working in the construction sector. If you sustained injuries from a slip and fall accident while you were working, you might be able to pursue workers’ compensation benefits. A negligent third party might also be accountable for damages caused in personal injury lawsuits.

A man who fell on the stairs who needs to call a Slip and Fall Lawyer in Boca Raton

How Can A Slip-and-Fall Lawyer Help Me With My Case?

Depending on what caused your fall or slip accident, our attorneys will be able to proceed in combination with the laws in Florida to secure financial compensation for what your injuries require. If someone was negligent and the cause of your accident, then your case might fall under what is known as “premises liability”.

With our trustworthy, reliable, and accessible Boca Raton lawyers on your side, you have a much better chance of obtaining the compensation that you rightly deserve. Our attorneys will assist you in the following ways:

  •  Provide a free slip-and-fall consultation so that we can review all the details relating to your case.
  •  Answer all the questions you might have about a personal injury claim and premises liability.
  •  Collect important evidence to bolster your claim.
  •  Obtain statements from witnesses, police officers, and medical experts.
  •  Investigate all the details of the case to make sure you obtain compensation for your damages.
  •  Work with the liable insurance carrier to ensure you are offered a fair and just settlement.
  •  Represent you in court if the case goes to trial

What Steps Can Be Taken To Help A Slip And Fall Case?

To maintain your ability to go after compensation for a premises liability lawsuit, there are a few steps you should follow:

  •  Document where your slip and fall occurred by taking photos and taking down the details of witnesses
  •  Get an assessment from a medical professional directly after the accident
  •  Schedule a consultation with a professional slip and fall attorney in Boca Raton, FL
  •  Make sure your lawsuit has been filed before the statute of limitations has run out

How Can You Prove A Slip-and-Fall Accident?

In slip and fall accidents, two of the most important issues to provide proof of negligence are causation and breach of duty. A breach of duty will relate to the owner of the property, the government, or the business that is renting the property.

For example, if you fell in a public space such as a food court due to a spilled drink, a lot is going to depend on if the spill remained long enough to create a hazard. Demonstrating a “breach of duty” will involve providing proof that the responsible party for the maintenance of the premises failed to practice reasonable caution. When using the example of the soda that was spilled that remained in the same place for many hours, the management of the business would be “in breach” of their duties. Evidence for such a case could include videos or photos of the accident scene and testimonies from witnesses. Once the breach has been established, the courts will then move on to analyzing causation.

How is Liability Determined in A Slip and Fall Case?

Since property owners in Florida hold the responsibility of maintaining premises that is reasonably safe, they could be held responsible or liable when an accident that involved slipping or falling results from the negligence of the owner. The slip and fall statutes in Florida are also referred to as “premise liability laws” since the owners of premises are required to make sure their properties are free from any known or obvious hazards. If your lawyer is able to prove that the accident was caused partially by the owner of the property breaching their duties, then the owner might be held liable to reimburse you for the injuries you sustained.

In most cases, the owner of a property will have an insurance provider that they use that you can directly contact to cover the losses you have experienced. However, insurance carriers are known for denying claims or trying to pay a lot less than what you are truly owed.

This is why you should consult with Steinberg Law in Boca Raton, FL to make sure the parties that are responsible for the harm that was caused to you pay what is due.

How Much Is My Slip And Fall Case Worth?

Every slip and fall accident is different or unique, and compensation for these cases often varies. The circumstances surrounding the situation will determine the value of a slip-and-fall case.

If you or one of your loved ones experienced a slip-and-fall-related accident and you got hurt, it is a good idea to contact a slip-and-fall lawyer. They will then review all the facts relating to your case and advise you on whether you can go after compensation. Hiring legal representation will also increase the chances of recovering the compensation that you deserve.

Are There Any Time Limits For Filing A Slip And Fall Lawsuit?

In the state of Florida, you will have 4 years from your slip and fall accident date to file a claim. However, the statute of limitations could vary according to who is held liable and any other parties involved. This is why it is important to allow a slip-and-fall lawyer to review your claim directly after the incident.

What Type Of Damages Are Available?

Damages in any negligence case will include non-economic, economic, and punitive. The economic damages are verifiable, tangible losses, such as lost wages and medical bills. Non-economic damage is an intangible loss such as emotional anguish or pain and suffering. Punitive damages can also be awarded for deterring similar gross negligence or bad acts in the future and to punish a defendant.

Don’t Wait To Hire A Slip and Fall Lawyer in Boca Raton

If you sustained injuries due to a slip-and-fall accident in Boca Raton, there are many factors that you will need to consider. However, choosing a slip and fall lawyer to assist you with your claim always comes highly recommended. Determining a value that is fair for the case is often confusing and complex. An experienced lawyer can review all the details of your case to make sure your claim includes all your current and future costs.

Call the lawyers at Steinberg Law firm today at 877-783-4611. They will actively pursue the compensation that you rightly deserve for your suffering, pain, injuries, lost income, or even a wrongful death case if your loved one passed away due to a fall, trip, or slip accident. When you hire a lawyer that specializes in slip and fall cases, they can guide you through the process on the right way to pursue your claim. They can also help you to accurately determine the value of your claim so that you are not tricked into a settlement that is much lower than you deserve.